Tuesday, May 27, 2014


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Play dough is a favorite at our house. Truth? I fought against this. Play dough gets everywhere, the dried up pieces get stuck in the vacuum, it gets stuck in all the play pieces, my kids cannot open those little tiny plastic jars to save their lives. I tried to deprive my children from it-but in the end play dough is the clear victor. And secretly, it doesn't bother me. Especially now that I use this homemade play dough recipe I found on Pinterest.
This play dough is the best. It smells awesome, it's ready in 10 minutes, the colors are divine, it's super soft, and it's non toxic. And it can provide long stretches of entertainment for the littles. It also lasts forever (well, we made this batch over three months ago). We store it in a big Tupperware container and it has dried out at all! So while you may end up with dried chunks of it all over your floor, I promise it will be fun up until then.


Homemade Scented Play Dough

from The Idea Room

1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tarter
1 package of unsweetened Kool Aid, color of your choice
1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil
1 cup water

Mix flour, salt, cream of tarter, and contents of the Kool Aid package together in a medium pot. Add water and oil. Stir over medium heat 3-5 minutes. When a ball forms, remove from heat. Remove play dough from pot (it will be very warm) and kneed until smooth. Play away!



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