Wednesday, March 2, 2016


We're finally done with February, the longest short month of the year! Let's check in with February's Goals:

1. Keeping my car clean. Yeah, we'll go with a C- here, because while I cleared out all the trash the first week of the month, that was the only week I made an extra effort. It basically stayed clean this month but mostly because we've had mild weather. Womp womp.

2. Get a haircut. A+! Did it, love it!
3.Work on active listening. I really worked hard at this one. I actively stopped what I was doing to listen to my kids and my husband. This is a goal that is a constant work in progress. B+.

4. Daily Chores. This worked out so well! My chart made things much easier, plus I would included my "Daily Chore" in my bullet journal everyday as part of a things to do list. A+
5. Figure out a work plan for the Etsy shop. Um, I figured out my shipping days schedule and managed to miss it only once. Still need some work here, plus I really want to roll out some new designs that I've been thinking about. C

So! March's goals are:

1. Stay on top of our schedule. The husband was away for over a month and with him coming home our schedule got out of whack. (Not complaining! It's totally a normal part of military life.) It's time to ease back into our regular daily routine.

2. Stay on top of orders and figure out a work plan for the Etsy shop. Like I said, I want to roll out some new designs, and just overall focus a little more on the shop. I also need to stay on top of orders because there are weeks that I feel like I'm scrambling and overwhelmed to get everything out on time.

3. Run at least 1 time a week. Oh it seems so small doesn't it? ONE time a week. But getting to the gym (the weather is still too cold for me personally to run at 5am in the morning outside) is not an easy feat. Saturday morning run is my goal. I like to listen to Sarah R Bagley podcasts while I run, which makes it feel like indulgent me time.

4. Start working on a community project that I dreamed up. Details to come!

5. Finish the last two books in my Reading Challenge. I'll be honest, I am dreading Great Expectations.

Don't forget to check out Sarah R Bagley and E over at Teaching Sam and Scout for their B+ Goals!


  1. Hey! Found you through the B+ goals link-up! I am impressed with your attempt to keep your car clean from February...with 2 kids, though mine are younger, I feel like it is always a mess!!! I'm headed over to check out your etsy shop now! Good luck with March!

  2. A clean car is a constant struggle!
