Thursday, April 7, 2016


Here's what's on my night stand this month. I went to the book store and...came out with all these and a few dollars lighter (except Jane Eyre, that's a reread).

I finished my Reading Challenge and was considering doing a Part 2. But you know what? I had to force myself to get through Great Expectations. And since I find reading to be one of my life's greatest pleasures, I'm just not going to force myself to read books I truly despise. (You may be thinking, "Michelle, why didn't you just take Great Expectations off your list??" and that would be a valid and intelligent question. However, I am a Upholder and I couldn't bring myself to do that.) So instead, I'm choosing to read books that sound lovely and that I want to read for readings sake, not to fulfill certain categories that I have conceived. And give myself the chance to put down books that I truly hate and call it done. And not feel bad about it.

Currently, I am rereading  my beloved copy of Jane Eyre.

Jane is one of my all time favorite characters. And considering that this story is COMPELETLY wackadoo in the abstract, but reads beautifully and convincingly in context just goes to show that Charlotte Bronte was a master writer.

"I need not sell my soul to buy bliss." Or to read Charles Dickens ever again.

Next on my list:

-When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi Everyone is talking about this book-it's all over Instagram and blog reviews and in book clubs.

-The Buddha in the Attic, Julie Otsuka I've been looking for more Japanese stories/authors to read and this one caught my eye. The premise is: Japanese, mail order brides in 1920's California. It sounds fascinating.

-For the Love, Jen Hatmaker I don't talk about religion (or politics, that saying is 10000% true) in public if I can avoid it. To me, and this is totally a personal thing, faith is very private. I, personally, get more from it that way. But I do like to continue to be inspired in my faith and I adore Jen Hatmaker on social media, so I'm excited to read this book with her perspectives on grace in our everyday lives.

-The Cuckoo's Calling, Robert Galbraith (aka J.K. Rowling) This has been on my to read list since it was released, but I never got around to it. But come on, it can't be anything but good. J. K. Rowling? British detective story? Hard cover book on sale for $5.99?? YES.

What are you reading this month?

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