Monday, May 2, 2016


Remember how I was all excited that almost spring is here? How it's been above 70 more than once? Remember how hopeful I was? I am such an East Coast amateur.

Because I 100% had to wear a wool sweater to a Little League game on Saturday because it was THAT cold.

May, I have high hopes for you and I have goals. Hooray for B+ Goals! 
At the beginning of every month, I post my "B+ Goals" for the month. These are goals that I try to achieve with grace, and with the mentality of better done than perfect. You can check out the lovely ladies behind this, Sarah R Bagley and E at Teaching Sam and Scout, and link up with other B+'ers!

So first, let's review April's Goals:

1. Stay on top of our daily schedule AND make a solid work plan for the Etsy shop. We did really well with our daily schedule, but at the cost of me being exceptionally slightly cross many evenings. It's baseball season, and if you have a child/children in Little League, you know exactly what I mean. If you don't, know that baseball, while the greatest of the sports, consumes your entire family's life from about March-June (and potentially longer) and tries to eat your soul. So many practices! So many games! I love it, but, real talk, it's overwhelming.
As for the Etsy shop. It's currently in Vacation Mode and will be for the next few weeks. I'm looking at some really big changes for it, and I'll provide more info as I move forward with them.
Grade: B+

2. Keep working on my community project.  I've started working in earnest on this! Hopefully over the summer all of the plans will be solid. (What I'm doing is putting together backpacks filled with basic essentials-pajamas, toothbrushes, shampoos, etc.- for foster kids in our area for when they enter a new placement.)
Grade: B

3. Exercise two time a week. Yes! Did it!
Grade: A

4. Eat Whole30 Monday-Thursday. I did this....about 50% of the time. So not a total fail?
Grade: D

5. Plan out my garden. Yes! And I also started actually planting it. I plan on finishing it up over the next few weeks since I think that worry of frost should be over (Please dear Lord and dear Universe, no more freezes, thank you. Sincerely, Michelle)
Grade: A

6. Participate in the #RockYourHandwriting challenge on Instagram. Did it! You can see all my challenge prompts on Instagram (@junenovember).
Grade: A


Alright! Let's check out what I got planned for this month! I'm feeling a bit ambitious :)

1. Do the Tone It Up Bikini Series Challenge. I started this last Monday! It's an 8 week Challenge and I'm loving it. I did one of their Challenges in the fall and fell in love with the TIU workouts and community. This new, get ready for summer Challenge is just what I need to really start focusing again on healthy choices. And speaking of healthy choices....

2. Finish another Whole 30. I did my first Whole 30 last August and have done a couple half ones since, but I'm wanting to do a full 30 day one again. For real. No cheat days, no quitting because there's a party, NO EXCUSES. I started last Tuesday and finish up on May 26.

You can follow me on Instagram to see updates throughout the month about both of these goals. (@junenovember)

3. Organize our game closet. It's a disaster area and needs to be overhauled.

4. Have a yard sale or donate all the stuff I've put aside. My friend wants to have a yard sale together and we've been waiting for nice weather to have one. But, if it doesn't happen by May 15, all this stuff that's been piling up is headed to donations. #KonMari

5. Use my "real" camera more. I have a really nice camera that I used to use all the time, but these days I default to my IPhone 99.9% of the time. I want to get back in the habit of taking nice photos with my nice camera.

6. Get to the library. We were in a really good habit of going to the libray once a week last summer and fall, but fell out of it. Instead of buying all our books, I need to be using our local library! Havin' fun ain't hard when you got a library card. (Isn't that little saying adorable? Except for the cringe worthy grammar?! Just say no to Ain't.)

Hooray for May!

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